Customer check-in

One thing I find very fascinating is that for a lot of startups there seems to be an almost inverse relationship between the energy put into acquiring and onboarding customers versus the energy put into keeping them as happy customers for the long term. Of course most startups do customer satisfaction surveys, NPS scores etc,… Continue reading Customer check-in

Easy to buy

When you’re building something to solve peoples problems, it can be tempting to build feature after feature and try to sell them all to the customers at the same time. What often happens is that it can be hard to get the customer engaged in a dialogue or a trial - simply because you’re overwhelming… Continue reading Easy to buy

Remember the important ones

Today is the 8 year birthday of my oldest daughter, Laura. Aside from celebrating her it is a good occasion for me as her dad to remember something that I think is absolutely vital: No matter how much and how hard you work on building and succeeding with your startup, and no matter how things… Continue reading Remember the important ones

Trust in difficult times

One of the things that really strikes me about the work-from-home way of dealing with the corona virus is the way it potentially stress tests the trust between employer and employee. There are companies that are fearful of sending their employees home to work for fear that they won't get any work done. And -… Continue reading Trust in difficult times