Meaningless consultations and red tape

There is a contentious issue plaguing healthcare — the struggle between consultations with ill informed physicians that lack meaningful substance and the stifling red tape preventing digital health apps from fulfilling their potential in patient empowerment treatment. In a sector that needs a ton of more good, it is basically like studying the worst of… Continue reading Meaningless consultations and red tape

Join the club

If you're looking for a great business model, look no further than to the subscription model. The idea of having a customer pay for your product or service on a recurring basis over and over again for all eternity is mouthwatering. Of course customers seldom stick around for that long, but I am sure you… Continue reading Join the club

Amplification beats disruption

Disrupting markets have for years been a formula for success for startups. Be nimbler, nicer looking and cheaper than the incumbents in your market, grow at a blistering pace whatever the costs associated with it and you will be on to doing great things taking your idea from it's inception into potentially a unicorn scale-up.… Continue reading Amplification beats disruption

The future work OS

For quite some time I have been thinking about how the new hybrid work culture requires a new operating system facilitating getting work done through collaboration and efficiency. I fully realize that there are a plethora of legacy systems for all parts of the journey out there, but on the other hand, I believe the… Continue reading The future work OS