Meaningless consultations and red tape

There is a contentious issue plaguing healthcare — the struggle between consultations with ill informed physicians that lack meaningful substance and the stifling red tape preventing digital health apps from fulfilling their potential in patient empowerment treatment. In a sector that needs a ton of more good, it is basically like studying the worst of… Continue reading Meaningless consultations and red tape

The “red tape” danger

The problem with too much process and red tape is that it creates excuses for not getting problems solved: "Our processes dictates that I must do this", "I am not measured on doing that", "I cannot do anything about it, it's the rules", "We have a policy that…". Etcetera etcetera. Of course there needs to… Continue reading The “red tape” danger

Corona thoughts, part 2

It's been a couple of weeks now. And while understandably there are a lot of businesses and startups in despair, I also sense some opportunities to look beyond the current corona pandemic and lockdown. People are easier to get in touch with, because they're home. Of course many are in video meetings, but it's still… Continue reading Corona thoughts, part 2