Customer #1

The other day I sat down with one of our investments to discuss their potential future direction. It was an interesting and productive session with some key questions arising during the conversation. One of those discussions was around who the customer actually is? If you're developing a B2B solution, is your customer the company, you… Continue reading Customer #1

It takes a team to win

Great teams succeed together. A team full of individual stars lacking coordination and communication between the various positions fail no matter how good and expensive they individually are. If those things are true in sports, does it come as a surprise that it goes for corporate innovation as well? A great football manager knows that… Continue reading It takes a team to win

What is a great tool?

One of the keys to efficiency is to have a great box of tools fit for the task(s) at hand. For the same reason we're constantly working to put the best toolbox at InQvation Studio together. We already have some sharp tools in the box - Trello for overview, Mural for ideation, Lean Stack for… Continue reading What is a great tool?

Show it, don’t tell it

During the years I have met many people who have been incredibly frustrated trying to make good use of Business Model Canvas. They often follow a traditional hype cycle, where they start up enthusiastically and full of energy and purpose only to burn out after a week or two with little progress. While it is… Continue reading Show it, don’t tell it

Remember the MVP?

Countless times when people talk about doing an MVP, what they are really deep down looking to do is something that resembles the finished product. Or at the very least should be used as a quite feature heavy and robust stepping stone towards the finished product. It is a misconception though. MVPs in its original… Continue reading Remember the MVP?

Don’t undersell your idea

Should the person who comes up with an idea also be the one who straight out of the blocks evaluate its desirability, feasibility and viability? Probably not due to the obvious risk of bias. It is also why we have some tools for ideation and another set of tools for assessment and validation. The really… Continue reading Don’t undersell your idea