Fix education!

Looking at what is happening in the US, I think it's fair to say that their education system is completely and utterly broken. Forget about universities or colleges being about preparing you for a corporate career. The first order of business should be to have the fundamental ability and urge to teach kids and young… Continue reading Fix education!

The gig economy challenge

I have never been a big believer in and much less a huge fan of the gig economy. My analysis has been pretty straightforward : A few get rich or richer by taking advantage of the misfortunes of many. Maybe it's time to be a bit more nuanced. Because the gig economy is not one… Continue reading The gig economy challenge

The cue from Disney+

Disney+ has gotten a really strong foothold in my household, since it launched in September last year. Where Netflix is just a plethora of content with hits and misses, the basic premise for firing up the Disney+ app is that when you do so you're immediately immersed into a content universe, where the production value… Continue reading The cue from Disney+

Christmas stress

So, Denmark is defacto closed down again due to Covid-19. Quelle surprise. And just in time for the Christmas holidays?! Or maybe not given that obviously a lot of people were caught off guard yesterday evening when scrambling to malls to get the last presents before same malls with only a few hours notice closed… Continue reading Christmas stress

Control vs success

There is nothing as potent to pave the way to success as being in control. There is nothing so blocking to success than to insist on being in control. To some being in control is an all positive thing; it enables you to define the path to follow forward and ensure the necessary decisions are… Continue reading Control vs success

The new media mixtape

As a former insider turned outsider it continues to be interesting to follow the innovative developments within the media space. Over a short period of years we have gone from monoliths over new entrants with ambitions to become digital monoliths to individual talents and a plethora of ambitious (monoliths-in-spe?) platforms aggressively hawking their capabilities towards… Continue reading The new media mixtape