Circle kind of complete

One of the things, others can never take away from you is your past experience(s). They are completely yours. Yours to cherish. Yours to curse. Yours to learn from. Yours to channel into something new. I have often wondered why things happen. Why do you meet the people, you do? Why do you get the… Continue reading Circle kind of complete


I have a fondness for paradoxes. I find them interesting, intriguing and sometimes even amusing. One of the paradoxes is the one about working agile and lean while at the same time lamenting the lack of progress. Why is it that we often judge something that is work-in-progress as a failure because it's not the… Continue reading Success-in-progress

Mistakes are OK

When you venture into something new, you haven't tried before and/or don't have the faintest idea of where will end up, you are going to make mistakes. And probably a lot of them. The easy thing to do is not to venture anywhere, in the first place, because by doing nothing, you won't make any… Continue reading Mistakes are OK

A happy note

Yesterday, a long time acquintance sent me a direct Twitter-message that made me really happy. In it he basically stated that it was great to observe from the sidelines the new things, I am involved in, and that to him it looked like, I had found a much better place for myself than was the… Continue reading A happy note

Corona thoughts, part 9

So, we're back in Covid-19 territory. The numbers are going up in the greater Copenhagen area and as such many have been requested to go back to working from home, not meeting physically etc. It was a pain the last time. And it's a pain again. But for me a different kind of pain. First… Continue reading Corona thoughts, part 9

Mindmapping rules

I have become a big fan of mindmapping. And specially the application SimpleMind Pro for Mac. When you have a lot of ideas, keeping a hold of them can be super tricky. This is exactly where mindmapping comes in handy; with the right application if allows you to structure your thoughts at more or less… Continue reading Mindmapping rules

Remember the important ones

Today is the 8 year birthday of my oldest daughter, Laura. Aside from celebrating her it is a good occasion for me as her dad to remember something that I think is absolutely vital: No matter how much and how hard you work on building and succeeding with your startup, and no matter how things… Continue reading Remember the important ones