Burning the Midnight Oil

“I work all the time.”

It is one of the things, you most often hear from entrepreneurs trying to succeed with whatever their venture may be.

And while in no way surprising, to me it has always been kind of puzzling.

I am a guy who likes to picture things in my mind. And I have always tried to picture to myself what an ‘always on, always working’ type looks like. What does (s)he do all those hours?

Is it the ongoing focused grind staring into the laptop screen? Is it meetings? Is it sales pitches? Fundraising? What?

Probably all of the above. Of course. But what I have found so far is that the real denominator is the state of your brain.

When you’re trying to make something happen, it tends to always be on. Even when it should be off or at least resting. Never mind office hours, meetings and the sorts. It’s also on in the evening when you’re having dinner with your family (or alone, depending on your life situation), when you try to go to sleep at night, when you twist and turn in bed, in the shower in the morning and so on.

When your brain is working on trying to move whatever it is you’re doing forward, you’re working. Essentially meaning that you’re always on, always in one shape or form working.

That’s what I have made of it so far.

Is it necessarily super healthy? Most probably not. But where is the off-switch?

My point exactly.

NB. This morning I was at my desk at 05.30…

(Photo: Pixabay.com)

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