Models (kind of) suck

Once upon a time I loved models. I even spent a significant chunk of my own savings getting to know them better in fancy locations around the world.

Models? Work related models, of course. The kind of models you would use for modelling concepts, businesses and such. What did you think?

Never mind.

The point is: I quickly learned that models (any of them) can be deceitful. Just when you think you have figured things out and have the best looking model in front of you, reality strikes. You are torn out of your dream and land, face down, in the ugliness of what real life looks like, when you – as Steve Blank puts it – get out of the building.


Because (1) models used for conceptualization, business modelling and presentation are inherently based on the past that (2) is seldom a great indicator of the future and (3) has a tendency to not really be able to reflect all the complexity of the real world.

Don’t get me wrong. Models can serve a purpose. They can make things look good and make for nice company and conversation. They can keep you warm and fuzzy, when you need it the most.

Models may give you the impression that all is good and well. That as long as you hold them in your hands, you are in control. When it feels best it almost feels like you’re the same kind of rockstar as a coder, who is super great at developing awesome code.

But you should never grow too fondly attached to the models.

Because the world is more complex than that. It never looks like zeros and ones or simple Post-It’s in a map or 2×2 model.



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