Getting your goals right

January is typically the month where a lot of us set new and often ambitious goals for ourselves. And the coming weeks are typically the ones where we once again fail miserably in achieving them. Maintaining and working hard towards a goal - especially a big hairy one - is really hard and takes an… Continue reading Getting your goals right

The deceitful stories

The jury came back on Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos infamy yesterday in the landmark case against her; guilty on four fraud accounts. What that will translate to in terms of sentencing remains to be seen, and it’s more than likely that Holmes will appeal. Nevertheless: Guilty. The really great question now is whether the Theranos… Continue reading The deceitful stories

Tracking progress

As a former business manager at Microsoft, I am almost bred up on KPI’s, metrics, tracking progress and so forth. Sometimes even to the extend where I have a hard time understanding, why it is a more alien concept to many. Including some startups. The way I usually frame it is that you cannot play… Continue reading Tracking progress