Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

I am an avid fan of the hit series "Homeland". And watching Episode 10 of Season 8 yesterday, something resonated for me: In the episode Carrie asks a helicopter flight mechanic, why the crew of the chopper that crashed with the US president aboard didn't clearly articulate that they were going down and crashing due… Continue reading Aviate, Navigate, Communicate

Has digital really bombed?

Considering all the progress electricity, the combustion engine and other major breakthroughs generated inside 50 years of inception, digital still has very little impactful progress to show for it. At least that's the argument, Greg Satell makes. To some extend he is absolutely right. Even though some real breakthroughs have happened and made a lot… Continue reading Has digital really bombed?

It takes a team to win

Great teams succeed together. A team full of individual stars lacking coordination and communication between the various positions fail no matter how good and expensive they individually are. If those things are true in sports, does it come as a surprise that it goes for corporate innovation as well? A great football manager knows that… Continue reading It takes a team to win

Treasure the soft skills

When you're looking to solve a problem and improve something for someone, empathy matters. You need to be able to put yourself in the shoes of the customer, feel their pain and use the insight generated to fuel your product development efforts. When we fail to employ empathy and other soft skills like it, we… Continue reading Treasure the soft skills

Fixing from the outside

When you start looking at problems in the world, one of the interesting indicators of a problem is to look at the number of people trying to solve problems within a sector outside of the established system. Personally, I find it mindblowing to read that a survey done across a number of countries from 2010-2015… Continue reading Fixing from the outside