What excites you?

What intrigues you the most? Going after the same things everybody else is going after? Or going counter and look in places that most other people have abandoned? I am all for the latter. While I recognize that there are indeed major trends out there and obvious opportunities, I personally find those that run counter… Continue reading What excites you?

Manage your effort

OKRs are a super efficient way of setting short term objectives and define key initiatives to reach them. It is perhaps the most simple way of ensuring that your startup is at all times outcome-driven that you can get. But there is one key element to setting your OKRs that you should keep in mind… Continue reading Manage your effort

Doing your homework

What does it mean for a business, a startup or you to 'do your homework'? Does it mean being out there, staying curious about the problem you're looking to solve trying to figure out what potential avenues towards solving it might be. Does it mean diving into existing research to be able to say and… Continue reading Doing your homework

Control the effort

The world is such a complex place with a gazillion moving parts that you cannot ever claim that you have got things under control. Because how things turn out will per definition be outside of your control and sometimes for the most odd reasons. This makes your job as the one who has to get… Continue reading Control the effort