Defeat stupidity

...a stupid person causes damage to others while deriving no gain, or even possibly incurring losses. We invariably underestimate the number of stupid individuals in circulation as the probability that a certain person is stupid is independent of other characteristics or credentials (e.g., they can have a PhD or be president). We (the non-stupid) are… Continue reading Defeat stupidity

Question your self

Personal performance discussions is one of the most energizing things, I know. Why? Because when you sit down to discuss your personal performance with your manager, it's a great opportunity to reflect upon what you have learned, look inward and figure out where you want to go from here in terms of your personal development.… Continue reading Question your self

Getting partnerships right

Partnerships in business can be extremely rewarding. But making them actually work can also be super, super tough. While many seem to think that the brunt of the work is in finding and negotiating with the right partner, the truth of the matter is that the real, tedious work begins afterwards. When focus is on… Continue reading Getting partnerships right

Good enough?

One of the greatest personal strengths and weaknesses is the ability to doubt yourself. It is a strength when you use it to be ambitious about your work and not just release anything for the world or just the people around you to see, just because you can but show - also in delivery -… Continue reading Good enough?

When the going gets…well…

This Christmas I gave one of my colleagues the book "How To Lead A Quest: A guidebook for Pioneering Leaders" by Jason A. Fox to one of my colleagues. There was a reason why I wanted to gift the - hands down - best business book, I have ever read: Because everything it says is… Continue reading When the going gets…well…

Blind purpose

Purpose is a great thing. Until it kills you and/or your business. I was reminded of this on LinkedIn when I read a holiday greeting from a former colleague in my feed. He works in a very troubled industry, have had a super challenging year but was none the less grateful to be working on… Continue reading Blind purpose