Transitions are hard

There may be a fantastic new innovation which could significantly improve performance for the company if it were implemented.

But in order to implement the innovation, you need to go through a temporary change, a transition phase, where for a period things could be less stable than they were previously.

It is this fear of the reduction in stability which can cause resistance to actually implementing the innovations, asĀ people fear what the change may bring.

And so many companies prefer to stay on their first lower mountain peak, not willing to go down into any valley, even if they can see higher peaks ahead of them.

“Stability”, Nick Skillicorn, Idea To Value

Wise words.

I have seen it play out many times in corporates, but I have lacked the words to adequately describe it.

The interesting question is, whether it applies to startups, who have got past the first launch and seen the first traction too?

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