Balance your foresight

When you build new products, you need to be a bit ahead of your time.

You need to be on the lookout for trends that may emerge and have an impact on your product.

What are the signals that suggest opportunities for you, and what are the signals that could put your product in jeopardy if left unchecked?

Both are equally important and needs some serious navigation around.

But there is also a balance to be observed.

Because on the other hand, looking to far ahead and thinking to much about it may emerge you in a fantasy world, where you fail to deliver here and now and – crucially – you get so overwhelmed by what others are doing and could potentially be doing that you just think you don’t stand a chance anyway.

If you get to that point, you’re as good as dead.

So don’t get yourself into that position.

But find the balance so you know what constitutes enough foresight but not too little focus on the present.


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