Hello launch pad!

Yesterday was a super important day for our inQvation Studio-team; it was the day where we got the final formal board approval for our first spinoff.

While it has been in the works for a while (and we have been recruiting for the team for some weeks now) there is always something special about getting that formal mail saying “GO, GO, GO!”. It is definitely one for the archives in the best possible way.

It has been a little over a year since I joined the tiny Studio team (2 people, including me) to help turn great ideas into promising startups. The journey to this point has not been straight forward at all, and we have tried numerous approaches and learned a lot.

But we made it to the launchpad. And for inQvation Studio that’s what matters; we made it from a blank sheet of paper to actual startup.

In order to get there we have, as I mentioned, been forced to try a lot of different approaches to figure out how to do it, as we went along. You can obviously take a lot of inspiration from how others have approached it, but there is a big difference between reading, thinking – and doing. And I do think that you have to go through the steps yourself to really get it under your skin.

Did everything work? No. Was everything – in hindsight – the right things to do? No. But we kept pushing, kept learning. And we moved forward. One step at a time.

I am a big fan of rocketry and the history of NASA, and one of the most inspiring stories ever to me is the story about the race to the Moon back in the 60’s.

What’s important is that it is not only a story about rockets and astronauts. It is a story about vision, courage, the will to go the extra mile and figure things out as you go along. About bold ideas and early test rockets exploding at the pad setting the big project back. About resilience in the face of adversity. About overcoming doubt. About picking yourself up time and time again. And – most importantly – every little success that made the giant leap possible.

We’ve now arrived at the launch pad. Now the real work begins. There is a lot that needs to happen and go well, before we can light up the candle and head for the Moon. And the journey to the Moon is long and fraught with danger. Stuff can go horribly wrong.

But MAN! The view upwards towards the clear skies above and beyond the launch pad is just beautiful!

Onwards and upwards!

(Photo: Pixabay.com)

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